
Home Membership

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General Membership Data

CA Sri Lanka Australia Chapter Inc. acts as an Australia representative of CA Sri Lanka. The membership base of chapter consists of Fellow and Associate members of CA Sri Lanka. This chapter has been registered as a non-profit organisation with consumer affairs Australia.

Become a Volunteer

Join with your other members who are waiting for your valuable contribution. Becoming a member of this organisation’s chapter in Australia would bring you numerous values to your life as well as benefits to uplift your skills.

Click here to register

Benefits of being a Member

Professional Benefits

  • Available up to 15 CPD hours in a year
  • Access presentations and event recordings (subject to speaker’s permission)
  • Connect with peers through our WhatsApp Group
  • Network with members working in diverse profiles and industries
  • Receive guidance and exam preparation support to get local qualification
  • Get guidance as a new migrant on understanding local culture

Other Benefits

  • Be a volunteer and serve the community
  • Be a mentor and guide junior members in their journey towards success
  • Free community talks on topics like health & fitness, mental skills, wellbeing, etc.
  • Fun-filled family events – CA Australia chapter Dinner Night, Family BBQ, Sporting event, Vivid Cruise and more!
  • Offers and discounts from our sponsors and partners

Please click here to view the letter of invitation to become a Chapter Member